Globe offers a full range promo for its subscribers that helps to save and without worrying.

Globe Prepaid offers a variety of calls, text, and data promos, that perfectly suit your budget and needs for communication activities. Globe prepaid offered unlimited text also unlimited calls, which is useful to those texters and callers.

Moreover, Globe prepaid also provide bulk mobile internet data promos for a low price.

Furthermore, you can register to Globe prepaid call and text promo starting from P15.00 to P599.00 with validity ranging from 1 day to 30 days. Considering that the standard rate for calls within the Globe network is P6.50 per minute and P1.00 for SMS rate.

Also, for gamers and addicted to video streaming sites, you can register to internet promos that can suit your budget.

Without further a due here is the complete list of Globe call, text and data promos,
choose your desired promo that suits your need and text the keyword to 8080 to register.

Globe Call and Text promo

To register text ATXT20 to 8080
Promo Details
250 texts to all networks
Valid for 1 day
Requires 20 Pesos Load

To register text ATXTPLUS20 to 8080
Promo Details
250 texts to all networks
• 10 minutes calls to Globe/TM
Valid for 1 day
Requires 20 Pesos Load

To register text DUO to 8080
Promo Details
Mobile + Landline in 1 phone
Valid for 30 days
Requires 450 Pesos Load

To register text GO19 to 8080
Promo Details
Unlimited texts to all networks
20 minutes calls to Globe/TM
15MB mobile internet
Valid for 1 day
Requires 19 Pesos Load

To register text GOALLNET25 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
• 75 minutes calls to Globe/TM
• 5MB for Facebook
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 25 Pesos Load

To register text GOALLNET70 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
• 115 minutes calls to Globe/TM
• 5MB for Facebook
• Valid for 3 days
• Requires 70 Pesos Load

To register text GOALLNET200 to 8080
Promo Details
Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
410 minutes calls to Globe/TM
10MB for Facebook
Valid for 7 day
Requires 200 Pesos Load

To register text GOALLNET300 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
580 minutes calls to Globe/TM
10MB for Facebook
• Valid for 15 days
• Requires 300 Pesos Load

To register text GOALLNET500 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
710 minutes calls to Globe/TM
10MB for Facebook
• Valid for 30 days
• Requires 500 Pesos Load

To register text GOCALL50 to 8080
Promo Details
50 minutes calls to all networks
Valid for 3 days
Requires 50 Pesos Load

To register text GOCALL100 to 8080
Promo Details
500 minutes calls to Globe/TM
• Valid for 7 days
• Requires 100 Pesos Load

Text GOSAKTO70  to 8080
Promo Details:
 1GB internet Data
 Unlimited Texts to all Networks
 1GB daily GoWATCH & Play + GoSHARE&SHOP
• 1 GB GoWIFI access
Free Gcash Voucher
 Valid for 7 days
 Requires 70 pesos load

Text GOSAKTO90 to 8080
Promo Details
 2GB Internet Data
 Unlimited texts to all networks
 1GB daily GoWATCH & Play + GoSHARE&SHOP
• 1 GB GoWIFI access
Free Gcash Voucher
• Valid for 7 days
• Requires 90 pesos load

Text GOSAKTO120 to 8080 Promo Details:
3GB Internet Data
• Unlimited Calls to Globe/TM
• Unlimited Text to all Networks
• 1GB daily GoWATCH & Play + GoSHARE&SHOP
• 2GB GoWIFI Access
• Free Gcash Voucher
• Valid for 7 days
• Requires 120 Pesos load 

Text GOSAKTO140 to 8080
Promo Details:
4GB Internet Data
• Unlimited Calls to Globe/TM
• Unlimited Text to all Networks
1GB daily GoWATCH & Play + GoSHARE&SHOP
• 2GB GoWIFI Access
• Free Gcash Voucher
• Valid for 7 days
• Requires 140 Pesos load 

To register text GOSAKTO150 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited text to all networks
3GB mobile internet
• Valid for 7 days
• Requires 150 Pesos Load

To register text GOSAKTO200 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to all networks
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
• 3GB mobile internet
Valid for 7 days
Requires 200 Pesos Load

To register text GOUNLI20 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to all networks
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
20MB mobile internet
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 20 Pesos Load

To register text GOUNLI25 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to all networks
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
• Free Facebook + 1 more app
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 25 Pesos Load

To register text GOUNLI30 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to all networks
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
• 30MB mobile internet
Valid for 2 days
Requires 30 Pesos Load

To register text GOUNLI50 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to all networks
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
50MB mobile internet
• Valid for 3 days
• Requires 50 Pesos Load

To register text GOUNLI95 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to all networks
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
• 100MB mobile internet
• Valid for 7 days
• Requires 95 Pesos Load

To register text GOUNLI180 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to all networks
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
• 150MB mobile internet
Valid for 15 days
Requires 180 Pesos Load

To register text GOUNLI350 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to all networks
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
200MB mobile internet
• Valid for 30 days
• Requires 350 Pesos Load

To register text GOUNLITXT49 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
• Valid for 7 days
• Requires 49 Pesos Load

To register text SULITXT15 to 8080
Promo Details
• 100 texts to Globe/TM
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 15 Pesos Load

To register text SUPERDUO to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
Mobile + Landline in 1 phone
• Valid for 30 days
• Requires 599 Pesos Load

To register text UALLPLUS25 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
• Unlimited calls to Globe/TM
• 1-hour mobile internet
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 25 Pesos Load

To register text UNLI10 to 8080
Promo Details
• unlimited call and texts to Globe/TM
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 10 Pesos load and active GoSURF promo

To register text UNLITXT20 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 20 Pesos Load

To register text UNLITXT40 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
• Valid for 2 days
• Requires 40 Pesos Load

To register text UNLITXT80 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited texts to Globe/TM
• Valid for 5 days
• Requires 80 Pesos Load

Super Sakto Calls
To register Dial 232 + 10 digit Globe number
Promo Details
P0.15/second calls to Globe/TM

Tawag 236
To register Dial 236 + 10 digit Globe number
Promo Details
• P20/20 minutes calls to Globe/TM

Note: Please be informed that the unlimited call and text promos are not really unlimited. All of Globe prepaid promo offered is subject to FUP (Fair Use Policy),. And when your account detected due to unreasonable usage of call, text and Data promos, it may result in the suspension of the subscription.

Globe Internet Promos

Below is the list of Globe internet promos that you will enjoy and help you with your daily internet activities.

With Globe prepaid internet promos it will give you access to those various sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

Also when you want to play online games like Mobile Legends, which is top-rated games or you want to watch video on the internet, choose your desired internet promo below.

To register text SUPERSURF50 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 50 Pesos Load

To register text SUPERSURF120 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 3 days
• Requires 120 Pesos Load

To register text SUPERSURF200 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 5 days
• Requires 200 Pesos Load

To register text SUPERSURF999 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 30 days
• Requires 999 Pesos Load

To register text GOCOMBOAKFA31 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 31 Pesos Load

To register text GOCOMBOAKFB59 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 2 days
• Requires 59 Pesos Load

To register text GOCOMBOAKFC83 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 3 days
• Requires 83 Pesos Load

To register text GOCOMBOAKFD187 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 7 days
• Requires 187 Pesos Load

To register text GOCOMBOAKFE387 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 15 days
• Requires 387 Pesos Load

To register text GOCOMBOAKFF744 to 8080
Promo Details
• Unlimited internet surfing
• Valid for 30 days
• Requires 744 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF10 or GS10 to 8080
Promo Details
• 40MB mobile data
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 10 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF15 or GS15 to 8080
Promo Details
• 100MB mobile data
• 30MB for Instagram
• Valid for 2 days
• Requires 15 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF30 or GS30 to 8080
Promo Details
• 300MB mobile data
50MB for Facebook, Instagram, Viber, Snapchat or Pokemon GO
• Valid for 2 days
• Requires 30 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF50 or GS50 to 8080
Promo Details
• 1GB mobile data
3GB (1GB/day) app of choice bundle - GoWATCH & PLAY, GoSHARE & SHOP, GoLIVE & DISCOVER
Unlimited text to all networks
1GB GoWIFI access
• Valid for 3 days
• Requires 50 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF299 or GS299 to 8080
Promo Details
2GB mobile data
10GB app of choice bundle - GoWATCH & PLAY, GoSHARE & SHOP, GoLIVE & DISCOVER
1GB GoWIFI access
Free Gcash Voucher
• Valid for 30 days
• Requires 299 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF599 or GS599 to 8080
Promo Details
5GB mobile data
10GB (1GB/day) app of choice bundle - GoWATCH & PLAY, GoSHARE & SHOP, GoLIVE & DISCOVER
1GB GoWIFI access
• Free Gcash Voucher
• Valid for 30 days
• Requires 599 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF999 or GS999 to 8080
Promo Details
• 10GB mobile data
10GB (1GB/day) app of choice bundle - GoWATCH & PLAY, GoSHARE & SHOP, GoLIVE & DISCOVER
1GB GoWIFI access
• Free Gcash Voucher
• Valid for 30 days
• Requires 999 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF1299 or GS1299 to 8080
Promo Details
• 15GB mobile data
10GB (1GB/day) app of choice bundle - GoWATCH & PLAY, GoSHARE & SHOP, GoLIVE & DISCOVER
1GB GoWIFI access
• Free Gcash Voucher
• Valid for 3 days
• Requires 50 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF1999 or GS1999 to 8080
Promo Details
• 30GB mobile data
10GB (1GB/day) app of choice bundle - GoWATCH & PLAY, GoSHARE & SHOP, GoLIVE & DISCOVER
1GB GoWIFI access
• Free Gcash Voucher
• Valid for 3 days
• Requires 50 Pesos Load

To register text GOSURF2499 or GS2499 to 8080
Promo Details
• 50GB mobile data
10GB (1GB/day) app of choice bundle - GoWATCH & PLAY, GoSHARE & SHOP, GoLIVE & DISCOVER
1GB GoWIFI access
• Free Gcash Voucher
• Valid for 3 days
• Requires 50 Pesos Load

To register text GAMES15 to 8080
Promo Details
• 100MB data for Games
• Valid for 1 day
• Requires 15 Pesos Load

To register text GAMES20 to 8080
Promo Details
• 100MB data for Games
• Valid for 12 days
• Requires 20 Pesos Load

To register text GAMES50 to 8080
Promo Details
• 300MB data for Games
• Valid for 7 days
• Requires 50 Pesos Load

To register text GAMES99 to 8080
Promo Details
• 300MB mobile data
• Valid for 30 day
• Requires 99 Pesos Load

See also
List of Globe Prepaid Call, Text, Combo
List of Globe GoUnli Promo
Globe List of GoSAKTO Data, Call&Text
List of TM Rewards

Important note. All unlimited internet promo offered are subject to Globe Fair Use Policy. When you reach 800mb, you may experience speed throttling or slow data connection.

How to choose your freebie just text Promo avail <Space> keyword to send to 8080. For example, GS50 WNP to 8080.
Choice of bundle apps

(FB, IG, Twitter, Shopee, and Zalora)

To redeem text (Promo avail) SNS to 8080
example: GS50 SNS send to 8080

(YouTube, Netflix, iWant, Viu, iflix, NBA, HOOQ, ONE, Mobile Legends, Arena of Valor, Rules Of Survival, Clash Of Clans, Clash Royale, Free Fire, & PUBG).
To redeem text (Promo avail) WNP to 8080
example: GS50 WNP send to 8080

(Grab, Google Maps, Waze, Wikipedia and Tiktok)
To redeem text (Promo avail) LND to 8080
example: GS50 WNP send to 8080

These are the following online mobile games included in games bundle promo.
  1. Mobile Legends
  2. Arena of Valor
  3. Rules of Survival
  4. PUBG Mobile
  5. Free Fire
  6. Lineage 2
  7. Legacy of Discord - Furious Wings
  8. Clash of Clans
  9. Clash Royale
  10. Marvel Future Fight
If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below.

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